FAQ – What is Ransomware As A Service?


Ransomware as a Service (RaaS) is a business model used by cybercriminals that mimics the structure of legitimate software-as-a-service (SaaS). In RaaS, ransomware creators sell or lease their malicious software to other criminals, often through a subscription model or as a commission-based service. 

In this post we will look at how Ransomware As A Service works.

Ransomware As A Service Explained

Development & Marketplace

Skilled hackers develop ransomware and then offer it on dark web marketplaces or through hidden forums. They might advertise features, user-friendliness, and customer support, much like legal software.

Subscription Or Partnership

Interested parties, often with less technical expertise, subscribe to the ransomware service. They might pay a monthly fee, or they might enter into a profit-sharing arrangement where the developer receives a percentage of the ransom payments.


The subscribers (attackers) then distribute the ransomware to victims. They might use phishing emails, exploit security vulnerabilities, or find other ways to infect computers and networks.

Payment & Decryption

When a victim’s files are encrypted by the ransomware, they’re prompted to pay a ransom, typically in cryptocurrency, to receive a decryption key. The RaaS operator and the attacker share the proceeds if the victim pays.

RaaS has lowered the barrier to entry for committing ransomware attacks, enabling even those with minimal technical skill to launch devastating attacks. It’s a significant part of why ransomware has become so prevalent and damaging. This model also complicates law enforcement efforts, as the developers can claim they’re not directly responsible for the attacks.

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